Center Street Historic District Association Meeting Minutes for October 8, 2007
The quarterly meeting held at 819 Center Street, the home of John and Kathy Aldrich, was called to order by Rodney Mohr.
The treasurer’s report was read by Severn Green. Ashland University print was paid $390.50 for 71 t-shirts with “Center Street Historic District, Ashland, Ohio” and a picture of the F.E. Myers home that was torn down in the 1970’s. The Association treasury stands at $10124.51 Christina Portz moved to accept the treasurer’s report and Ann Mohr seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Old Business Rodney Mohr informed the Association that Ashland Theological Seminary had vinyl sided the Heltmen Home at 834 Center, tore down a small barn at 834 Center, built a parking lot behind 824 and 834, and took out a brick drive from 834. Vinyl siding was approved by the Ashland Preservation Board, but the rest was done without application to the Ashland Preservation Board. Rodney feels the situation can not go backward and what is done is done. Discussion followed by Association members stating their distaste for the Ashland Theological Seminary to continue with projects that go against Ashland Ordinance 51-05.
The fundraising committee reported the Architectural Walking Tour of Center Street on Labor Day included 10 individuals and t-shirts are still available for $10. The committee hopes to find an outlet for the shirts in the downtown.
Ann Mohr reported on the raffle dinner for the Symphony League for 6 people. The casual dinner was held at 513 Center Street at the home of the Mohrs. Rodney Mohr requested the Association to make a donation to the Symphony to help cover the cost of the dinner. Anne Green suggested $200. Christina Portz suggested $250. Discussion continued over the costs involved. Christina Portz moved to donate $250 to the Ashland Symphony for the raffle dinner. Anne Green seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Boy Scout Troop 900 picked up trash during the Historic Ashland Home and Garden Tour in July. Discussion led to a motion by Raul Torres to make a donation of $100 to Boy Scout Troop 900 for picking up trash after the Tour. The motion was seconded by Kathy Aldrich. Motion carried.
New Business
Rodney Mohr announced that the election and that he was willing to maintain his position as president if needed. Kyle O. von Kamp expressed a need to have two positions as secretary do to the grow demand in correspondence. He suggested recording and corresponding secretaries. Ann Green moved to immediately change the by-laws to create two positions from the current secretary position to corresponding secretary and recording secretary. Joe Mason seconded the motion. Motion carried. Diane Hammontree stated she would be willing to accept the recording secretary position if someone could help her. Raul J. Torres wanted Kyle O. von Kamp or Drew Grudowski as president of the Association but Kyle O. von Kamp expressed concern over who would be able to maintain the Association website and be able to take over the Center Street email account. Kathy Aldrich suggested the Association add a vice president as well. Discussion continued. The by-laws were reviewed. Kathy Aldrich moved to immediately amend the by-laws of the Association to add the position of vice president. Joe Mason seconded the motion. Motion carried. Christina Portz moved to accept the slate of officers as president Drew Grudowski, vice president Rodney Mohr, corresponding secretary Kyle O. von Kamp, recording secretary Diane Hammontree, treasurer Severn Green. Joe Mason seconded the slate of officers. Motion carried
Ken Hammontree suggested eventually putting the minutes in the paper for good public relations.
Ann Mohr announced that the Ashland County Historic Preservation Alliance now has their official paperwork on file with the State of Ohio.
Severn Green reminded members about dues for 2008. Kyle O. von Kamp suggested a receipt book to record dues. Membership is $10 for an individual and $20 for a family. Severn Green also suggested investing a portion of the treasury into CD’s at varying length of time. Another suggestion was made by Christina Portz to shop around for the best rates. Joe Mason suggested a money market account as a possibility. Drew Grudowski asked what bank are we with now. Severn replied Huntington. After the discussion it was decided the executive committee will make the final decision.
Dottie Tennis reported on the National Heritage Tile Foundation and their tour of Center Street coming up on October 19. The Foundation will have approximately 16 people on the tour and the president of the foundation is corresponding with Dottie. Tiles at the Miller home, 934 Center, are unique because they depict Dickens’ stories and Pickwick papers. The Red Cross building, 432 Center, has unique tiles that he has not seen before by the Foundation president. Ruth Detrow (421 Center) and Sarah Rowan (903 Center) have Moravian tiles from Pennsylvania. The Frazee home at 602 Center Street have tiles from England. If anyone has tiles let Dottie Tennis know. The Association Christmas Party will be held at the Buchanan’s home 413 Center on December 9, 2007 4PM
Christina Portz needs someone to get someone to clean out the gutters. Danny Parish was suggested by Joe Mason. Chris Buchannan can also do it.
Kathy Aldrich has worked hard to preserve our heritage in Ashland and will be missed. Kathy proved herself as a preservationist as the first chairperson of the Ashland Preservation Board. A round of applause was given as thanks.
Motion to adjourn made by Arlene Grudowski and seconded by Joe mason. Motion carried