Discussion followed. What happens if Greens sell their rental home on Center Street? Kyle O. von Kamp read from the by-laws that they would loose their voting rights. Nancy Larsen, a new associate member of the Association, spoke about the need to have a vested interest in the organization by voting. Rodney Mohr expressed concern of 25 people off of Center Street becoming members of the Association and “voting us out”. A motion to send these suggested changes to an AdHoc committee was made by Ruth Detrow. Rodney Moh seconded the motion. Motion carried. Andrew Grudowski appointed the following people to the AdHoc committee: himself, Kyle O. von Kamp, Rodney Mohr, and Joe Mason.
New Business
Joe Mason introduced Jerry Tanner as the new owner of 819 Center.
Anne Green stated that Severn Green would like to put a portion of the Association’s funds in CD’s. Jerry Tanner suggested a tiered program of CD’s allowing for more flexibility. Dotty Tennis moved to put our funds in 3 tiers of CD’s. Ruth Detrow seconded the motion. Motion carried.
A sign up list was passed around to host meetings and programs of the Association for 2009. Programs were suggested to be at less than 20 minutes. Rodney Mohr suggested a home insurance company explaining coverage of historic homes.
Meeting dates were changed from the second Tuesday of the quarterly months to the second Thursday of the quarterly month.
Fundraisers A sign up list was passed around for those interested in the Yard Sale in May 2008. The potential to expand to a Route 60 sale to Loudonville was suggested for 2009. The Fundraising/Special Events Committee will deal with details, times etc.
The Historic Ashland Home and Garden Tour 2008 will be held July 5th, Saturday of Balloon Fest. Ken Hammontree expressed how much he enjoyed the tour in 2007 and that he got 2 gigs from people attending the tour. Association members expressed interest again in using the proceeds for lamp posts on the street and plaques on the homes. Kyle O. von Kamp reported that 1/3 of ticket sales in 2007 came from outside of Ashland County and we should continue marketing the tour outside of the county. Kyle also informed Association members of a verbal YES on a grant from the Visitors’ and Convention Bureau of Ashland County to secure a trolley for the tour that would like downtown, Center Street, and Balloon Fest at Freer Field. The grant would be for $1000 in 2008, $500 in 2009, and $250 in 2010. A list was passed around for home owners to sign up to show their house on the tour. The Fundraising/Special Events Committee will deal with details, times etc.
Honorary Membership was extended to Betty Plank and Alta Sims. Plaques will be ordered and the women will be invited to the April 10th meeting at Ruth Detrow’s home. Kyle O. von Kamp will prepare a press release as the meeting gets closer. Ruth Detrow suggested a tea during the meeting and Dotty Tennis volunteered to assist. Rodney suggested the possibility of making a Betty Plank and Alta Sims Day through the mayor.
Next meetings April 10 July 10 October 16
Dotty Tennis told that Alta Sim’s husband, Michael Sims, would be coming to Ashland Thursday for an interview with the Mansfield News Journal about the Center Street fireplace tiles. The article would be in the paper within the next month or so.
Joe Mason moved to adjourn the meeting. Ruth Detrow seconded the motion. Motion carried.